Auto Start Generator Control & Protection Module with Remote Control & Monitoring

The GCU-5K is an advanced Auto Start Generator Control Unit and Protection Module equipped with IoT technology, enabling remote monitoring and control. It offers up to 18 generator power measurement readings in both digital and graphical needle meter formats for comprehensive monitoring and control. Users can remotely monitor and control the generator via their smartphones by downloading the Free App GenOnCall®. Optional KCU modules enable GCU-5K to support Modbus-RTU, SNMP, Modbus-TCP/IP and Ethernet communication protocols.
GCU-5K provides complete control and protection features for both electronic Engine (SAE J1939), non-electronic (traditional) Engine, as well as diesel and natural gas engine generators currently available in the market.
The KUTAI GCU-5K is a user-friendly generator control solution featuring 250 event logs, an integrated alarm speaker, pre-engine start voice alerts in top ten languages, and worldwide compatibility. It's an innovative turnkey solution for standalone generators.
The GCU-5K built-in Wi-Fi network connectivity for Free online firmware update anytime.
Free to download GenOnCall® APP remote monitoring and control application available for iOS and Android. Enjoy remote monitoring, control, and configuration of your generator, plus instant push notifications for Engine Start / Stop and all Fault Alarms, all accessible through your smartphone or tablet at a minimal cost. Leverage WPS Location Service for precise generator location and status tracking.
※The blue text indicates remote connection feature.
※KUTAI offers a 60 days free trial for the remote connection feature, allowing user to monitor the generator set anytime.
  • 7’’ color LCD panel, screen resolution 800 x 480, waterproof rating IP65.
  • Provides 18 power measurement parameters, with the screen displaying both numerical and analog meter display modes. The analog meter can be freely specified.
  • Display interface options: Traditional Chinese, English, Japanese,Spanish.
  • Built-in Wi-Fi for network connectivity, no additional modules required.
  • Loudspeaker for Engine pre-start warming, support 10 languages.
  • Supports reading and displaying ECU (SAE J1939) engine parameters.
  • Equipped with internal timer to implement screen protection mode, extending the screen's lifespan.
  • Automatic fuel supply control between main and reserve tanks.
  • 5 user configurable DC outputs and 5 user configurable inputs.
  • Optional Modbus-RTU / Modbus-TCP/IP / SNMP / Ethernet communication module is available.
  • Free iOS and Android GenOnCall® App for user to download.
  • Allows one operator and up to seven viewers to remotely operate,monitor the status, and adjust all relevant settings for the generator set via network access simultaneously.
  • Using WPS, the GenOnCall® app can display the position of the generator set on the map.
  • Offer push notifications for Start / Stop / Fault messages and up to 250 event logs for queries.
    ※ The blue text indicates remote connection feature.
    ※ KUTAI offers a 60 days free trial for the remote connection feature, allowing user to monitor the generator set anytime.

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Android 8.0 or later
for Android
iOS 14.7 or later
for iOS